Construction of Warehouse for the Shoe Manufacturing and Leather Products Industrial cluster
Tender No ocds-j74acu-000341-AN/HS/04
Advertising/Procuring Entity Ministry of Housing
Tender Name Construction of Warehouse for the Shoe Manufacturing and Leather Products Industrial cluster
Opening Date 2019-10-24T10:00
Deadline 2019-11-22T13:00
S/N Company Envelope Bid Opening Status Tender Amount Financial Bid Score % E.O Award Status
1 Facomore Nig Ltd Price BOQ Opened 63482383 0 Awarded
Tender No
Procurement Plan Name
Advertising/Procuring Entity Ministry of Housing
Tender Name
Tender Information
Procurement Type Procurement Method
Procurement Method Rationale Procurement Plan Reference Number
Joint Venture Bid Validity Period
Brief Description Tender Fee Payment Not Required
Bid Submission Deadline Date & Time
Opening Date Opening Place
How to Obtain Tender Document
Tender Fee Amount(N:K) ₦0 Procurement Category Invitation to Pre-qualify
Tender Security Bid Security Type
Post Qualification
Local preference Margin of Preference
Bid Security Amount (N:K) Site Visit Date & Time
Bid Security Amount Type Award Criteria Details
Submission Method Details Budget Threshold
Number of Stages Evaluation Mechanism
Framework Agreement Establishment UNSPSC Code
Contracts Awarded in Lots no Number of Lots 0
Number of Lots Allowed Per E.O Lot Number
End of Clarification Period (Date & Time) Date & Time of Advert Publication 2019-10-24T10:00
Special Characteristics
Place of Delivery


Required Bidding document
File Description File Type


Project Title: Construction of Warehouse for the Shoe Manufacturing and Leather Products Industrial cluster
Procuring Entity: Ministry of Housing
Planning Rationale: open tender
Budget ID: 000340
Budget Description: Anambra State of Nigeria Approved Recurrent & Capital Estimates 2019 Fiscal Year
Budget Amount: ₦63,482,383
Budget Year: 2019
Procurement Method: open
Procurement Category:


Tender Title: Construction of Warehouse for the Shoe Manufacturing and Leather Products Industrial cluster
Tender Description : Construction of Warehouse for the Shoe Manufacturing and Leather Products Industrial cluster
Tender ID :
Tender Status : active
Procurement Method : open
Procurement Category :
Procurement Method Rationale : opentender is required by EU Rules
Award Criteria : price Only
Award Criteria Details : Facomore Nig Ltd was lowest responsive bidder
Tender Submission Method :
Tender Submission Method Details :
Procuring Entity : Ministry of Housing
Procuring Entity ID : AN/HS/04
Date of Advert Publishing : 2019-10-24T10:00
Bid Opening Date : 2019-11-22T13:00
Tender Period Start Date : 2019-10-24T10:00
Tender Period End Date : 2019-11-22T13:00
Tender Period Duration in Days : 29
Tender Enquiry Period Start Date : 2019-10-24T10:00
Tender Enquiry Period End Date : 2019-11-22T13:00
Tender Enquiry Period Duration in Days : 29
Tender Award Start Date : 2019-12-01T13:00
Tender Award End Date : 2020-12-01T13:00
Tender Award Duration in Days : 366
Tender Enquiries/Clarifications :
Tender Notice PDF :
Items Classification Scheme : UNSPSC
Items Classification ID : 72141003
Items Quantity: 1
Items Unit : units
Items Delivery Address: Awka Anambra State
Number of Tenderers: 4


Award Title: Construction of Warehouse for the Shoe Manufacturing and Leather Products Industrial cluster
Award Description : Construction of Warehouse for the Shoe Manufacturing and Leather Products Industrial cluster
Award ID : i/ocds-j74acu-000341-AN/HS/04000344
Award Status : active
Award Date: 2019-11-22T13:00
Award Criteria : price Only
Award Amount : ₦63,482,383
Award Items Classification Scheme : UNSPSC
Award Items Classification ID : 165160
Award Items Quantity: 1
Award Items Unit : units
Award Items Delivery Address : Awka Anambra State
Contract Period Start Date : 2019-12-01T13:00
Contract Period End Date : 2020-12-01T13:00
Contract Period Duration in Days : 366
Contractor/Supplier Name : Facomore Nig Ltd
Contractor/Supplier Address : Awka Anambra State
Contractor/Supplier Email : NA
Contractor/Supplier Phone : NA
Contractor/Supplier website :
Procuring Entity Name: Ministry of Housing
Procuring Entity Address : State Secretariat Awka, Anambra State
Procuring Entity Representative Email.:
Procuring Entity Representative Phone :
Procuring Entity website :


Contract Title : Construction of Warehouse for the Shoe Manufacturing and Leather Products Industrial cluster
Contract Description: Construction of Warehouse for the Shoe Manufacturing and Leather Products Industrial cluster
Contract Award ID :
Contract Status : active
Contract Period Start Date : 2019-12-01T13:00
Contract Period End Date : 2020-12-01T13:00
Contract Period Duration in Days : 366
Contract Amount : 63482383
Contract Date Signed : 2019-11-22T13:00
Contract Item Classification Scheme : UNSPSC
Contract Item Classification ID : 165160
Contract Item Quantity : 1
Contract Item Unit : units
Contract Item Delivery Address : Awka Anambra State