Tender Advertisement

# Title Tender No Procurement Entity Advert date Notice PDF
1 Procurement of five project vehicles ocds-j74acu-027096-AN/WRK/01-NG MINISTRY OF WORKS & INFRASTRUCTURE 2024-03-23T10:35:46 PDF
2 Construction of 65km road ocds-j74acu-026867-AN/WRK/01-NG MINISTRY OF WORKS & INFRASTRUCTURE 2024-02-09T20:55:54 PDF
3 Procurement of school bags ocds-j74acu-026652-AN/WRK/01-NG MINISTRY OF WORKS & INFRASTRUCTURE 2024-02-08T13:41:07 PDF
4 Test project Construction 12km road ocds-j74acu-026426-AN/WRK/01-NG MINISTRY OF WORKS & INFRASTRUCTURE 2024-02-08T11:12:14 PDF
5 Procurement of hospital equipment ocds-j74acu-026409-AN/WRK/01-NG MINISTRY OF WORKS & INFRASTRUCTURE 2024-02-08T08:44:37 PDF

e-Tender Process

An internet-based process wherein the complete tendering process; from advertising to receiving and submitting tender-related information are done online. This enables firms to be more efficient as paper-based transactions are reduced or eliminated, facilitating for a more speedy exchange of information

Pre-qualification & registration
Pre-Qualification Registration
Issue User Name and Password
Public invitation
Tender Advertisement
Tenderer Views Tender Advertisement and Notice
Tender submission
Tenderer Registration to Tender for a Project
Download Tender Document
Addenda Distributed by Principal
Tenderer Submit Tender
Close of Tender
Close Tender
Principal Open Tender
Tender Evaluation
Tender Evaluation Process
Request for Information
Award of Tender
Award Tender/Acceptance of Tender
Sign the Formal Agreement
Retention of Document
Advantages of the e-tendering system:

The e-tendering process is much more efficient than traditional bidding. In this online exercise, the scope of manual paperwork and correspondence is decimated. As a result, the process is carried out within a stipulated timeframe.


From the publishing of advertisements to submission of bidding values, all steps of the bidding process are accomplished online. Since the entire details of issued tenders remain in the public domain no room is left for any malpractice.

Fair competition:-

E-tendering being a transparent exercise, competitiveness is maintained among the bidders. Consequently, only the most suitable bidder wins the tender.

Less expenditure:-

E-tendering eliminates the scope of unhealthy inducements; bidders give absolute priority to bidding values, resulting in lower quotes. It automatically cuts down the project estimation capital as compared to the traditional tendering.

Fast project delivery:-

As the e-bidding process consumes less time, the project work gets initiated early, resulting in fast completion. This creates a positive business ecosystem.

Easy to shortlist:-

In the e-tendering system, the details of all bidders are visible online to the tender issuers. The profiles and quotes of all the bidders can be compared easily in one place without assorting a bundle of documents.

International tenders:-

The e-tendering process eliminates the barriers of borders and opens a global spectrum of tenders. Through different e-tender portals, bidders get to know about all the tenders issued worldwide, like Nepal tenders, South African tenders, or Italian tenders.


The e-bidding process is an absolute online exercise that limits the usage of paper. It is an endeavour towards a paper-free world. The trend of digital tendering will let us achieve a lower carbon footprint to save our Mother Earth.

Laws & Documents

Award Publication

# Award Title Tender No. Procuring Entity Successful Contractor Award Date Advert Date Opening Date Submission Method


The e-Procurement System also called the Electronic – Government Procurement (E-GP) System is the use of Information and Communications Technology (especially the internet) by governments in conducting their procurement relationships with suppliers for the acquisition of goods, works and consultancy services required by the public sector.

  • • Eliminates some manual processes for example Tendering, Bidding and Notification may be undertaken electronically
  • • Centralized Storage of Bidding information and thus reduces paper usage and movement
  • • Eliminates or reduces costly Vendor Visits to the Procuring Entities • the reduction in the paper usage reduces environmental degradation
  • • Geographical boundaries are eliminated
  • • Reduces cost to bidders
  • • Greater transparency through the automated publication of Tenders and Contract awards
  • • Makes it easier to monitor compliance
  • • Allows integration with other stakeholders’ systems
  • • Easier management of framework agreements
  • • Easy generation and sharing of management reports
  • • Simplifies the publication of information to Bidders, Suppliers and the general public
  • • E-Tendering
  • • E-Notification
  • • E-Registration
  • • E- Evaluation/Awarding
  • • E-Awarding
  • • E-Contract Management

Online process that manages the tendering lifecycle from advertisement of the notice to issuing of an award of contract.


This is basically a public procurement information portal that facilitates the publication of contract notices, awards, procurement plans, tenders, etc. by Procuring Entities. This information is then available for use by civil society and other stakeholders.


The e-registration module will provide a single interface for registration of all bidders, Procuring Entities, committees, oversight agencies and all other stakeholders who intend to use the e-GP system. All bidders must be registered to participate in bidding opportunities.


This module will allow for online submission of bidding documents and will automate the evaluation process. The system shall have a facility to recommend evaluation results as stated in the Public Procurement Act and Regulations. This module will also facilitate the Notification of Awards (NOA). It will send the draft contract online to the successful supplier or contractor from the procurement entity dashboard.


The e-Contracts module is a dynamic subsystem of e-GP that establishes, manages and monitors contracts, collates bid history, monitors performance against agreed service level agreements (SLAs) and key performance indicators (KPIs) and alerts buyers to key events, such as contract renewal dates, etc.

Functions of Demo E-Procurement System Council on Public Procurement

The Council shall:
  • (a) consider, approve and amend the monetary and prior review threshold for the application of the provisions of this Law by procuring entities;
  • (b) consider and approve policies on public procurement;
  • (c) recommend to the Governor the appointment of a person as the General Manager of the Bureau of Public Procurement;
  • (d) receive and consider for approval, the audited accounts of the Bureau of Public Procurement;
  • (e) approve changes in the procurement process to adapt to improvements in modern technology;
  • (f) as far as practicable, benchmark the policies on public procurement approved pursuant to this Law with international standards;
  • (g) give such other directives and perform such other functions as may be necessary to achieve the objectives of this Law.

Functions of Demo E-Procurement System Bureau of Public Procurement

The Bureau shall:
  • (a) formulate the general policies and guidelines relating to public sector procurement for the approval of the Council;
  • (b) publicize and explain the provisions of this Law;
  • (c) subject to thresholds as may be set by the Council, certify State procurement prior to the award of contract;
  • (d) supervise the implementation of established procurement policies;
  • (e) monitor the prices of tendered items and keep a State data base of standard prices;
  • (f) publish the details of major contracts in the procurement journal;
  • (g) publish paper and electronic editions of the procurement journal and maintain an archival system for the procurement journal;
  • (h) maintain a State database of the particulars and classification and categorization of contractors and service providers;
  • (i) collate and maintain in an archival system, all State procurement plans and information;
  • (j) undertake procurement research and surveys;
  • (k) organize training and development programmes of procurement professionals;
  • (l) periodically review and evaluate the socio-economic effect of the policies on procurement and advise the council accordingly;
  • (m) prepare and update standard bidding and contract documents;
  • (n) prevent unfair procurement and where necessary report the person in breach to the appropriate body for administrative sanctions;
  • (o) review the procurement and award of contract procedures of every entity to which this Law applies;
  • (p) perform procurement audits and submit such report to the House of Assembly bi-annually;
  • (q) introduce, develop, update and maintain related database and technology;
  • (r) establish a single internet portal that shall, subject to section 18 (10) of this Law, serve as a primary and definitive source of all information on government procurement containing and displaying all public sector procurement information at all times; and
  • (s) initiate and co-ordinate relevant training programs to build institutional capacity.

User Guide

# Title Description Attachment | File Date Created
1 Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning 2022 Procurement Plan Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning 2022 Procurement Plan 10-06-2022 22:09:02
2 Ministry of Health 2022 Procurement Plan Ministry of Health 2022 Procurement Plan 28-03-2022 12:16:34
3 2023 MIN. OF HEALTH PROC. PLAN 2023 MIN. OF HEALTH PROC. PLAN 29-10-2022 12:26:34
4 Ministry of Education 2022 Procurement Plan Ministry of Education 2022 Procurement Plan 01-04-2022 14:19:32
5 2024 Test Procurement Plan-Min. of Work 2024 Test Procurement Plan-Min. of Work 07-02-2024 17:32:37
7 MIN. OF WORKS TEST PROC. PLAN 2024 MIN. OF WORKS TEST PROC. PLAN 2024 09-02-2024 20:53:26
8 Ministry of Public Utilities and Water Resources 2022 Procurement Plan Ministry of Public Utilities and Water Resources 2022 Procurement Plan 01-04-2022 14:53:27