Tender No ocds-j74acu-024527-AN/WRK/01-NG
Procurement Plan Name Testing tender 123
Tender Name Testing tender 123
Tender Information
Procurement Type services Procurement Method selective
Procurement Method Rationale Testing a project Procurement Plan Reference Number
Joint Venture not allowed Bid Validity Period 90
Brief Description Testing tender 12 Tender Fee Payment Not Required
Bid Submission Deadline Date & Time 2023-08-12T23:05
Opening Date 2023-08-12T23:01 Opening Place Online
How to Obtain Tender Document Downloadable Online
Tender Fee Amount(N:K) ₦0 Procurement Category Invitation to tender
Tender Security No Bid Security Type Bid Securing Declaration
Post Qualification No
Local preference No Margin of Preference
Bid Security Amount (N:K) 0 Site Visit Date & Time
Bid Security Amount Type NA Award Criteria Details
Submission Method Details electronic Budget Threshold below
Number of Stages 1 Evaluation Mechanism price Only
Framework Agreement Establishment no UNSPSC Code 765
Contracts Awarded in Lots no Number of Lots 0
Number of Lots Allowed Per E.O 1 Lot Number
End of Clarification Period (Date & Time) Date & Time of Advert Publication 2023-08-10T23:01:53
Special Characteristics NA
Place of Delivery State


Economic operators allowed to bid
# Business Name CAC No Address Nationality
1 ELEGANT MEDICALS NIG LTD 827436 Wuse zone 5 Abuja Nigeria

Required Bidding document
File Description File Type