Tender No ocds-j74acu-026867-AN/WRK/01-NG
Procurement Plan Name Construction of 65km road
Tender Name Construction of 65km road
Tender Information
Procurement Type works Procurement Method open
Procurement Method Rationale Road construction Procurement Plan Reference Number JSKKS
Joint Venture allowed Bid Validity Period 90
Brief Description Construction of 65km road in Abia state test project Tender Fee Payment Required
Bid Submission Deadline Date & Time 2024-02-09T21:40
Opening Date 2024-02-09T21:40 Opening Place Virtual and physical
How to Obtain Tender Document Downloadable Online
Tender Fee Amount(N:K) ₦100 Procurement Category Invitation to tender
Tender Security No Bid Security Type Bid Securing Declaration
Post Qualification No
Local preference Yes Margin of Preference 0
Bid Security Amount (N:K) 0 Site Visit Date & Time 2024-02-09T21:08
Bid Security Amount Type NA Award Criteria Details Award to most responsive
Submission Method Details electronic submission Budget Threshold above
Number of Stages 1 Evaluation Mechanism price Only
Framework Agreement Establishment no UNSPSC Code 68383
Contracts Awarded in Lots no Number of Lots 0
Number of Lots Allowed Per E.O 1 Lot Number
End of Clarification Period (Date & Time) 2024-02-09T21:07 Date & Time of Advert Publication 2024-02-09T20:55:54
Funding 2024 Test budget
Special Characteristics NA
Place of Delivery Abia state test

All Economic Operators can Bid

Required Bidding document
File Description File Type
Docment 2 doc
Work plan pdf